L’industrie française de l’éolien offshore est encore loin d’appréhender l’ensemble des exigences pour conduire ses opérations aériennes offshore à un niveau garantissant les normes de sécurités réglementaires.
C’est pourquoi notre équipe sera à votre écoute et se réjouit de ces futurs échanges autour de ces sujets lors du salon #seanergy2022 à Le Havre les 14, 15 et 16 juin.
Extrait de l’article Pilot project | French floating wind prototype pioneers helicopter rescue planning de Darius Snieckus du 2 juin 2022 pour Rechargenews
France’s flagship floating wind unit, the FloatGen installed off its west coast, has pioneered anew, in the sector’s first helicopter evacuation exercise.
The operation, carried out at the SEM-REV test site off Brittany, was a joint project of Cross Etel, Civil Security, SNSM, BW Ideol and Centrale Nantes.
“Risk prevention is essential in the field of marine renewable energies,” said BW Ideol, which developed the ‘damping pool’ platform for the FloatGen unit.
“Practicing evacuations during operations at sea on floating wind turbine demonstrators allows all players to test the rescue chain and prepare for a future sector.”
The exercise was designed around a scenario in which a technician had been injured during maintenance work on the turbine and had to be air-lifted to shore.
“This exercise in real conditions made it possible to assess the specificities of a floating wind turbine during a helicopter winching operation and to prepare for future possible medical evacuations by air.”
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